Join the Grassroots VAWA Reform Movement!
Originally conceived with good intentions, the Violence Against Women Act has now created a separate reality that substitutes gender ideology for scientific fact, rides roughshod over Constitutional protections, and weakens the institution of the family. There is no evidence that the billions of dollars spent for domestic violence programs have had any impact in reducing domestic violence, and in some ways VAWA-funded programs have made things worse.
A broad-based grassroots movement is already working to reform the Violence Against Women Act, which comes up for renewal in 2010. If you or a person you know has been a victim of VAWA abuse, these are 3 ways you can get involved:
Have your organization join the VAWA Reform Coalition. To join, just enter your organization's name and contact information in the form below.
Make a financial contribution to support our public awareness and legislative initiatives:
Our nation's approach to stopping domestic violence is based on a series of half-truths, distortions, and lies. But working together, we can stop the lies and protect our families. Get involved now!
Join the VAWA Reform Coalition
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