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Dr. Phil Show: Woman Reluctantly Admits Lying About Domestic Violence To Jail Husband For 10 Months
WCVB-TV: Innocent Men Permanently On Restraining Order Registry
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“Turning the Tables”
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A Few Counter-Intuitive Facts, Common Misconceptions And Ironies About Intimate Partner Violence Based On Social Science Research - Handout

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((( History

Erin Pizzey, Founder of the Abuse Shelter Movement

“Any country that has tried to create a political solution to human problems has ended up with concentration camps and gulags.”

((( Research

Women are Just as Likely as Men to Commit Domestic Violence...

Men Sustain Over One-Third of all DV-Related Injuries…

…But Men are Far Less Likely to Report the Incident…

…So Media Coverage is Often Biased…

…Which Allows the Myths to Continue.

Search DV Statistics

Compare Countries in International Dating Violence Study

Read full article in Psychiatric News
Latest News and Commentary Prior articles

Despite the best of intentions, our nation's effort to curb domestic violence is not working. Current solutions not only fail to reduce domestic violence, but also create other severe problems. Families are being undermined and children harmed. Innocent Americans are penalized based on false accusations. And victims of violence are re-victimized by a rigid system that ignores their wishes, or excludes them altogether.

R.A.D.A.R. – Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting – is a non-profit, non-partisan organization of men and women working to improve the effectiveness of our nation's approach to solving domestic violence.

Partner Abuse State Of Knowledge Project

"The most comprehensive review of the scholarly domestic violence research literature ever conducted concludes, among other things, that women perpetrate physical and emotional abuse, and engage in control behaviors, at comparable rates to men."

  • Partner Abuse State Of Knowledge (PASK) Website
  • Some findings from PASK Findings At-a-Glance
    • Higher victimization for male than female high school students
    • Rates of female-perpetrated violence higher than male-perpetrated (28.3% vs. 21.6%)
    • Among large population samples, 57.9% of IPV (intimate partner violence) reported was bi-directional, 42% unidirectional
    • 13.8% of the unidirectional violence was male to female, 28.3% was female to male
    • Male and female IPV perpetrated from similar motives - primarily to get back at a partner for emotionally hurting them, because of stress or jealousy, to express anger and other feelings that they could not put into words or communicate, and to get their partner's attention.

R.I.P. Earl Silverman, Founder of Men's Alternative Safe House

For the last decade, Earl Silverman operated Canada's only shelter for battered men, the Men's Alternative Safe House (MASH*4077) in Calgary, Alberta. Sadly, Earl passed away on April 26, 2013. We at RADAR mourn the loss of a noble and generous soul.

Memoir By Founder of First Battered Women's Shelter

In 1971 Erin Pizzey founded Chiswick Women’s Aid, the first refuge for battered wives. Her 1974 book "Scream Quietly or the Neighbors Will Hear" brought the issue to the attention of the public. In her new memoir, Pizzey recounts the resistance she encountered from members of the Women's Liberation Movement bent on suppressing Pizzey's findings that women are as capable of violence as men.

Erin Pizzey's website

This Way To The Revolution - Publisher's blurb

Buy "This Way To The Revolution"

Police, Prosecutor, And Judge Cause Immense Hardship For Innocent Couple By Insisting Innocent Behavior Is DV – Part 1, Part 2

Contact Your Elected Officials:

Donate to Help us Fix VAWA

FLYER: Widespread Civil Rights Violations Under the Violence Against Women Act

((( VAWA Reform Coalition

((( Shelters Ineffective?

((( VAWA: Harmful To Women?
Intimate Partner Homicides, 1976-2004
Homicide trends have not been affected by passage of VAWA in 1994.
Source: Department of Justice: Intimate Partner Violence in the United States, 2006

This Way To The Revolution – Erin Pizzey
Who's Failing the Family? – Erin Pizzey

((( International




((( How to Get Help
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((( False Allegations
False Domestic Violence Accusations False Rape Accusations

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Contact Your Elected Officials in Washington, DC:
Remembering Earl Silverman, Founder of Men's Alternative Safe House
Prior Alerts
Lost Your Children to a False Allegation?
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((( Previous Campaigns

Restore Civil Rights to Domestic Violence Laws

Violence Against Women Act: Out of Control!

Fix VAWA Now!

Get Your Facts Straight, ABA!

I-VAWA: Globalizing a Failed Social Policy

Time to Tell the Truth about Domestic Violence

House Resolution 590: Half-Truths, Distortions, and Lies

Nifong: Tip of the Iceberg

Stop CEDAW/I-VAWA, Protect the Family

International-VAWA: Exporting Family Break-Up

UN Report on Violence Against Women

Truth and Consequences: Election 2006

Stop the Civil Rights Abuses of VAWA

PBS Breaking the Silence

Amnesty International

VAWA Reauthorization 2005

((( Abused Men

Media Coverage

Domestic Violence Against Men in the US

((( Other Topics

Child Abuse

Sexual Abuse of Children

Pregnancy Murder Myth
