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Truth and Consequences – Election 2006: State Contact People

State Districts Contact Group E-mail
AK At-large June Marsh True Equality Network -- Alaska Chapter june.marsh@true-equality.org
AL 1 to 6 Alan Rusmisel Alabama Coalition for Fathers and Children ALANRUSMISEL@cs.com
CA Northern CA Teri Stoddard Shared Parenting Works shared.parenting.works@gmail.com
CA Los Angeles area:
22-24, 26-40, 46, 48
Marc Angelucci National Coalition of Free Men – Los Angeles Chapter angelucci2000@alumni.law.ucla.edu
CA Southern CA (excl. LA):
22, 25, 41-45, 49-53
Harry Crouch San Diego Men's Center harryal@earthlink.net
CO 1, 4-7 Charles Corry Equal Justice Foundation ccorry@ejfi.org
CO 2, 3 Mike Spaniola NCFM mspaniola@copper.net
FL West Coast: 5, 9-14, 25 Alice Barnard True Equality Network -- Florida Chapter alice.barnard@true-equality.org
FL All Other: 1-4, 6-8, 15-24 Grayson Walker Parents without Rights Chairman@parentswithoutrights.org
IL 1 to 19 Michael Burns Dialogue on Sustainable Community info@sustainable-community.org
IN 1 to 9 Pastor Kenneth Deemer Shattered Men shatteredmen@earthlink.net
KY 1 to 9 Mike East FATHERS mikeeast@vci.net
MA 1-3, 5, 6, 8 Dan Hogan Fathers and Families danhogan@fathersandfamilies.org
MA 4, 7 Mark Rosenthal RADAR info@mediaradar.org
MA 9, 10 Richard Davis RADAR rldavis@post.harvard.edu
MD 1 to 8 David Burroughs FEFFI burroughs0@aol.com
MI 1 to 15 Jim Semerad Dads and Moms of Michigan PAC jimsemerad@cs.com
MN 1 to 8 Jamil Jabr Fathers for Justice jamil@fathers-4-justice.us
MO 1 to 9 David Usher ACFC - Missouri drusher@swbell.net
NC 1 to 13 Terri Lynn Tersak True Equality Network terrilynn.tersak@true-equality.org
NH 1 Michael Geanoulis National Congress for Fathers and Children – New Hampshire Chapter geancfc@juno.com
NH 2 Paul M. Clements DADD-NH pclem@juno.com
NY 1 to 29 James Hays Coalition of Fathers and Families NY, Inc. Dadlobby@yahoo.com
OH 1 to 18 Donald C. Hubin Parents and Children for Equality - Columbus Chapter hubin.1@osu.edu
OK 1 to 5 Bob Batterbee Equal is Equal bobbatterbee@yahoo.com
OR 1 to 5 Phil Cook Stop Abuse for Everyone philip.cook@comcast.net
PA Southeastern PA:
1, 2, 7, 8, 13
Susan Wolpin Bucks Co. FACE bucks@paface.org
PA Central: 6, 16, 17, 19 Kathy Michaels True Equality Network -- Pennsylvania Chapte r kathy.michaels@true-equality.org
PA Western PA:
3, 4, 5,9, 12, 14, 18
Jeff Dick Men's Custody Shelter Network jeffd9280@yahoo.com
TN 1 to 9 Marsha Folley True Equality Network -- Tennessee Chapter marsha.folley@true-equality.org
TX Northern TX: 1, 3-5, 6-8, 12, 13, 17-19, 24, 26, 30- 32 Roy Getting Fathers for Equal Rights ragetting@sbcglobal.net
TX Southern TX: 2, 9, 10, 11, 14-16, 20-23, 25, 27-29 Don Mathis Fourteen Percenter Newsletter fourteenpercenter@yahoo.com
UT 1 Tom Miller Men and Fathers for Justice advoc8tomm@yahoo.com
UT 2, 3 Todd Stone Men and Fathers for Justice toddstone2004@yahoo.com
VA 1 to 11 Ron Grignol Fathers for Virginia rgrignol@hotmail.com
WA 1 to 9 Lisa Scott Taking Action Against Bias in the System lisa@tabs.org
WI 1 to 8 Debbie Weltz True Equality Network -- Wisconsin Chapter debbie.weltz@true-equality.org