March 20, 2006
Contact: Mark Rosenthal, <>
Family Break-up Blamed on Intrusive Domestic Violence Laws
Rockville, MD – Well-intentioned laws can cause social
upheaval, and children end up paying the price. That's the
conclusion of a ground-breaking report, “VAWA:
Threat to Families, Children, Men, and Women,” which
was released today.
The report was issued by RADAR – Respecting Accuracy in
Domestic Abuse Reporting – an organization that tracks
bias in domestic violence issues.
The report notes that the Violence Against Women Act has been
helpful in raising social awareness about the problem of
partner aggression. This awareness comes at a considerable
cost, however.
Even when couple aggression is mutual or minor, domestic
violence programs typically discourage partner
reconciliation. The report highlights a study by the
National Institute for Justice that concludes,
“Restrictions on couples therapy and individual
psychotherapy for battering are a point of contention between
feminist-oriented batterer intervention providers and mental
health providers in many communities.”
The report reveals how divorce lawyer matching services openly
advertise on domestic violence websites funded by the
U.S. Department of Justice.
The report also analyzes how state domestic violence laws
provide incentives to family breakup, especially by making
domestic restraining orders easy to get. These orders are
issued even when no physical abuse has been alleged.
Family law attorney Lisa Scott reveals, “Protection orders
have become ‘weapons of mass destruction’ in
family courts. Whenever a woman claims to be a victim, she is
automatically believed. No proof of abuse is required.”
Once a protection order is put in place, the children
typically lose daily contact with their father. That places
kids at greater risk for a broad range of problems, including
child abuse, academic difficulties, and delinquency.
The RADAR report is available at
R.A.D.A.R. – Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting – is a non-profit, non-partisan organization of men and women working to improve the effectiveness of our nation's approach to solving domestic violence.
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