AMANDA B. CARPENTER Violence Against Woman Act Funds Casino-Owning Tribes
LISA SCOTT Biased VAWA Pushes Gender Supremacy
CAREY ROBERTS Rape Hysteria, Redux
MARC E. ANGELUCCI Letter to Los Angeles Daily Journal & San Francisco Daily Journal Editor
MIKE SPANIOLA VAWA distorts reality, erodes Americans’ civil rights
JIM BROWN & BILL FANCHER Critics Claim Act Curbing Violence Against Women Leaves Men Unprotected
CATHY YOUNG Ending Bias in Domestic Assault Law
RICHARD L. DAVIS Intimate Partner Victims Ignored At VAWA Hearings
CAREY ROBERTS VAWA: Making Divorce Easy, Profitable, and Fun
HANS BADER Letter to Washington Times Editor
GORDON E. FINLEY Fatal Flaws: VAWA 2005
GLENN SACKS VAWA Renewal Provides Opportunity to Stop Destruction of Innocent Cops’ Careers
DANIEL C. ROMAND Male Domestic Violence Victims Need Help Too
GORDON E. FINLEY Letter to Los Angeles Daily Journal &San Francisco Daily Journal Editor
LISA SCOTT Scream Queens Fuel Nightmarish VAWA System
MARK B. ROSENTHAL Did Phil Hartman Die from Congressionally-Sanctioned Discrimination?
RICHARD L. DAVIS Federal Legislators Need To Ask The National Domestic Violence Hotline Some Questions
TRUDY SCHUETT Betrayal of Women - VAWA 2005
GLENN SACKS Domestic violence a two-way street
TRUDY SCHUETT Violence Against Women Act Ignores Epidemic Of Violent Women
RAY BLUMHORST Make the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Gender-Inclusive, or Dump It!
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