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Reports Attract Media Interest; Now Time to Recharge RADAR’s Batteries

Dear Friends of RADAR (Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting):

As you may be aware, RADAR has been circulating reports, press releases, and flyers in an effort to tell the complete story about domestic violence, with a special emphasis on the effectiveness of the Violence Against Women Act, and the entire set of facts re domestic violence (DV).

We hope to make the public aware that, in the name of DV prevention, gender-based discrimination and governmental violations of the Bill of Rights have become commonplace, and that DV law and policy must be modified to prevent these abuses.

These reports have attracted widespread media attention. Reporters have called for interviews, and one state legislator has already contacted RADAR asking for recommended language to revise his state’s DV law.

While we have made fair progress with limited resources, we wish to spread the word to a wider universe with a little more energy. But this will be expensive, and we need to request your financial help.

Would you consider making a donation? It's easy. Just click on our "Donate to RADAR" button at the top left corner of our website at http://www.mediaradar.org. Or, if you prefer to send a check, make it payable to RADAR and mail it to:

PO Box 1404
Rockville, MD 20849

A $25 donation allows us to print flyers to pass out to 250 elected officials in Congress. A $100 contribution allows our message to reach 17,000 reporters, editors, and producers around the country. A $1,000 contribution supports a national radio campaign.

Thank you,

RADAR Financial Committee

RADAR is a 501(c)4 non-profit, non-partisan organization. As a 501(c)4, RADAR can engage in public education and advocacy efforts. Contributions are not tax deductible.

Date of RADAR Release: September 25, 2006

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R.A.D.A.R. – Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting – is a non-profit, non-partisan organization of men and women working to improve the effectiveness of our nation's approach to solving domestic violence. http://mediaradar.org